chile prevencion

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
in reply to: Expand the search option #186371

chile prevencion

I think you did not understand my question.

I already have the search engine on my website.

What I need is to expand the search result, make it more friendly.

when searching for the word:
Danger (if found)
When searching for the word:
Dangers (finds nothing)

This is what I need to see if it can be changed, that I can associate a word.

in reply to: Email Notifications #177828

chile prevencion

Hello @nayeem_riddhi
where can I change the language of the notification?
They are sent in English and I need to translate them into Spanish

in reply to: wpdm user dashboard #177325

chile prevencion

I understand, thank you very much for your time and help, regards

in reply to: wpdm user dashboard #177316

chile prevencion
This reply has been marked as private.
in reply to: disable drop zone #174716

chile prevencion

thanks @humayon I will wait for the update

in reply to: ERROR #168828

chile prevencion

these are the codes i use

[wpdm_search_result init=1 template="buscador_web" cols=1 items_per_page="80" cols="title,file_count,download_count|categories|update_date|download_link"]

[wpdm_archive_compact template=”buscador_web” order_by=”post_title” order=”ASC” items_per_page=”12″ cols=2]

in reply to: ERROR #168753

chile prevencion
in reply to: ERROR #168659

chile prevencion
     * @param array $params
     * @return string
    function packages($params = array('items_per_page' ► 10, 'title' ► false, 'desc' ► false, 'orderby' ► 'date', 'order' ► 'DESC', 'paging' ► false, 'page_numbers' ► true, 'toolbar' ► 1, 'template' ► '', 'cols' ► 3, 'colspad' ► 2, 'colsphone' ► 1, 'tags' ► '', 'categories' ► '', 'year' ► '', 'month' ► '', 's' ► '', 'css_class' ► 'wpdm_packages', 'scid' ► '', 'async' ► 1, 'tax' ► '', 'terms' ► ''))
        global $current_user, $post;

        static $wpdm_packages = 0;

        // When login=1, show login form for guests/visitors
        if (isset($params['login']) && $params['login'] == 1 && !is_user_logged_in())
            return WPDM()->user->login->form($params);

        // To generate unique sections ID when someone uses multiple shortcode on a page

        // $scparams = Initial unprocessed shortcode parameters
        $scparams = $params;

        $async = __::valueof($params, 'async', ['default' ► 0, 'validate' ► 'int']);
        $items_per_page = __::valueof($params, 'items_per_page', 10);
        if($items_per_page < 1) $items_per_page = 10;
        $scid = __::valueof($params, 'scid', ['default' ► 'wpdm_package_'.$wpdm_packages, 'validate' ► 'txt']);
        $cwd_class = "col-lg-" . (int)(12 / __::valueof($params, 'cols', ['default' ► 3, 'validate' ► 'int']));
        $cwdsm_class = "col-md-" . (int)(12 /  __::valueof($params, 'colspad', ['default' ► 2, 'validate' ► 'int']));
        $cwdxs_class = "col-" . (int)(12 /  __::valueof($params, 'colsphone', ['default' ► 1, 'validate' ► 'int']));

        $title = __::valueof($params, 'title', ['validate' ► 'txt']);
        $desc = __::valueof($params, 'desc', ['validate' ► 'txt']);
        $toolbar = __::valueof($params, 'toolbar', ['default' ► 1, 'validate' ► 'int']);
        $paging = __::valueof($params, 'paging', ['default' ► 1, 'validate' ► 'int']);

        $order_field = __::valueof($params, 'orderby', 'date');
        $order_field = isset($_REQUEST['orderby'])? esc_attr($_REQUEST['orderby']) : $order_field;
        $order = __::valueof($params, 'order', 'desc');
        $order = isset($_REQUEST['order'])? esc_attr($_REQUEST['order']) : $order;

        $currentPage = __::query_var('cp', 'int');
        if (!$currentPage) $currentPage = 1;

        $query = new Query();
        $query->items_per_page(wpdm_valueof($params, 'items_per_page', 10));
        $query->sort($order_field, $order);

        foreach ($scparams as $key ► $value) {
            if (method_exists($query, $key) && !in_array($key, ['categories', 'tags'])) {

where is the code edited?
I am a beginner

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