Wrong showing download files

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Hi there!

Can please someone find moment for me and my problem? Sorry for my bad english, i try explain you my problem.

I install WP Download Manager, everything works fine except showing downloads. I want to sort 3 downloads/peer line, not like this:

You know what i mean? I was adding this shortcode:
[wpdm_category id="CATEGORY ID" cols="3" toolbar=1 desc=1 item_per_page=30 template="link-template-bsthumnail.php"]

I can give you FTP access, admin access to my page and everything what you need, but please, can you try fix my problem?

Thank you for your advices!
Have a great day!



Hi, Easy fix for this is using fixed size thumbnail for all packages. Is it possible for you?




Hello, thank you for your reply!

What do you mean “thumbnail”? I am sorry for my bad knowledge but can you explain it for me? In layman style, haha.

Have a nice day.



Oh, sorry. I meant the featured image of the package.


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