wpdm_archive_filter Category or Tags filter not working

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Daniel Osorio

Dear Download Manager team,

The wpdm_archive_filter shortcode is not working properly. When trying to filter via a Category or Tag it doesn’t work. It always displays empty results, so there must be something wrong with the query that fetches the downloads on wp-content/plugins/wpdm-archive-page/src/__/__.php

Also, the Tag filter doesn’t show any tags. I checked your file sidebar.php (wp-content/plugins/wpdm-archive-page/src/Templates/Filter/views/sidebar.php) and it has an error when fetching the Tags. The line should be:

$terms = get_terms(['taxonomy' ► 'post_tag', 'post_type' ► 'wpdmpro', 'hide_empty' ► false]);

but instead is:

$terms = get_terms(['taxonomy' ► 'wpdmtag', 'hide_empty' ► false]);

which is incorrect.

Please help and correct the plugin so it works properly.

Thank you


Nayeem Riddhi

I hope you have got the solution in your latest created topic



Chris Moore

You didn’t resolve this. He is telling you the category filter isn’t working and it still isn’t working.


Nadine Ahrens
This reply has been marked as private.

Nadine Ahrens

Did you find a solution in the end? 🙂
Best, Julian



Hello @saloodo,

Hope you are well,

Please open a separate forum topic by describing there properly.

Also, don’t forget to share your admin access and related page/file URL there.

Thank You

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