wpdm_all_packages: Proposal for handling order by dates for non-english dates

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Lars Jørgen Tvedt

Standard norwegian date format is “d/m/Y”. Using this format the ordering of the table for wpdm_all_packages does not work. The reason is that the “data-order” attribute is not set correctly (is empty) because “strtotime” expects “english” date formatting.

A possible solutions would be to alter the code in “wpdm-all-downloads.php” at about line 240 from

  $tcols = $cols;
  foreach ($cols as $colx ► $cold){
    $dor = array('publish_date' ► strtotime(get_the_date()), 'create_date' ► strtotime(get_the_date()), 'update_date' ► strtotime(get_the_modified_date('', get_the_ID())));


  $tcols = $cols;
  foreach ($cols as $colx ► $cold){
    $dor = array('publish_date' ► get_the_date('Y-m-d H:i:s.u'), 'create_date' ► get_the_date('Y-m-d H:i:s.u'), 'update_date' ► get_the_modified_date('Y-m-d H:i:s.u', get_the_ID()));

This should make it sortable regardless of selected date format in WP.

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