WPDM Extended Short-codes not work with WPML

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Mycol Gianfrancesco

I have several files uploaded to the Italian version of the site and when I insert the shortcode into the Italian page everything works correctly.

The problem occurs in the English version of the page: I created the English category (which I called “Inglese” for convenience) and uploaded a file to this new category.
If I insert the shortcode into the page that should show all the files in the “Inglese” category it doesn’t work.
It doesn’t load anything, it’s as if it couldn’t find the category.

Can you help me please?



Hello, Mycol Gianfrancesco

Hope you are doing well and thanks for contacting us.

Kindly share related page url in a private reply to check the issue.



Mycol Gianfrancesco
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Invalid Login Credentials, here is the screenshot

Kindly check


Mycol Gianfrancesco
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Mycol Gianfrancesco

This is because i created an access for you with the “Professional” role so as to show you the error.

I changed the role to administrator, now you can access the back-end with the same credentials that I sent you in my previous message.

Thank you



Kindly, create packages under the the Inglese category and then try, currently there is no package in this category that’s why it’s not working, here you can see

If you try this shortcode [wpdm_tree category="photos-dome-awnings" cat_orderby="name" cat_order="asc"] it will work, because Photos category has a package.

Kindly check and let me know if the problem persists.



Mycol Gianfrancesco

On the Italian page I have the following shortcode: [wpdm_tree category=”italiano” cat_orderby=”name” cat_order=”asc”]

As you can see in this image, there are no packages inside the “Italian” category.
Despite this, all the various subcategories of “Italian” are loaded correctly and displayed on the page. Even if they are empty (as indicated by the arrow in the image).

On the English page I have this shortcode: [wpdm_tree category=”inglese” cat_orderby=”name” cat_order=”asc”]
In this image you can see the categories.
There are configured in the same way as the Italian version.

I need it to load all the categories, even if they are empty.
As it does on the Italian page.

It doesn’t work and I don’t understand why.

Thank you



I can see 2 errors in the console area; here is the screenshot. Kindly fix the issue.

In the meantime, we are checking if anything is wrong from our side.
Thanks for your patience.



Now it’s working fine. Kindly check

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