WPDM Access Level Addon

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I have installed the Access Level addon to limit files to specific accounts, however, the user see all files under the category instead of seeing just the files belonging to him, is there a shortcode to fix this.

Current shortcode being used:

[wpdm_category id="invoices" toolbar="0" order_by="title" order="asc"]



Use short-code [wpdm_my_downloads login=1] or [wpdm_my_downloads login=1 template=”template-id” cols=”1 or 2 or 3 or 4″] to list all packges assigned to specific user – this short-code is useful when you want to create user specific download area or members area.



Perfect, that did it.

Is there a way for the user to download directly from that list without having to go into another page?



You need to create a custom link template and there he need to use [title] tag instead of [page_link] tag and user the template with short-code like this:
[wpdm_my_downloads login=1 template="template-id"]

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