word not showing translated, even though in the .po file it is translated

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Heather b

I am using the template “Default Template with Download count” in a widget on my site, which is in Spanish.
However, the word “downloads” shows in english.


Why is this? When I check the spanish translation, it’s correctly translated to “descargas” in the .po file…
what should i do?

thank you.


Sidratul Sohrat

please share your related URL



Heather b

the site is still under construction I’m afraid, and I can’t open it to the public yet 🙁
I am using theme “Customify” if that is of any help, running wordpress 5.6.2



Heather b

I am still curious about this – but we are going to use the “tree” layout, so no extra texts show.


Sidratul Sohrat

Sorry for the late reply. You can add [txt=download] on the template file to make the Download button translatable.

We checked that we missed making the download button translatable but surely you shall get this on our next update.

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