Weird spacing issue with one file

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Matt Stanley

There’s a big hole where the next file in the list under one of my categories should be showing up, and I’m not sure why it’s doing that. You can see what I’m talking about at the following URL, between the document titled “Petition for Abandonment and Vacation of Highway and/or Right-of-Way” and “Set Back Waiver Application” under the top category heading of “Applications & Requests”:

My theory about why it’s doing this is that the file named “Petition for Abandonment and Vacation of Highway and/or Right-of-Way” is significantly longer than the others in this category, but I’m not sure.

Is there an easy fix for this, other than to shorten the name of the file?



Which shortcode are you using? You can modify the template file by putting it into your theme folder and modify to short the title.


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