Updated translation file not working correctly

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Aslak Susi


I noticed recently that the .pot translation file was updated at some point because the menu was partly in English, so I updated it to my needs. Still after updating, at least these items in the WP menu are not being shown in the correct language, the rest of them are correct so it does pick up the language file correctly, but something else is wrong.

menu translation

Best regards, Aslak


Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Aslak Susi,

Hope you are well. Are you using any translation plugin? If possible, can you please, give your temporary wp-admin login details in a private reply to check the issue?

Thank you and regards


Aslak Susi

No translation plugins. No I can’t give login details.


Nayeem Riddhi

You can use a free translation plugin from WordPress repository. Thus I hope it will work properly for you.

Please kindly check.

Thank you and regards


Aslak Susi

I can, but I will not. It should pick up the translated lines from the language file as it did before, but for some reason it doesn’t for the items shown above.


Nayeem Riddhi

It would be better if you give access for admin for checking the issue in detail. Please kindly check.

Thank you and regards

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