Unable To Download File After Purchase

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Michael Adzato

When customers purchase software from my website (example software: https://primestrux.com/download/pschedule-slabs-b). After receiving a download link via email, are unable to download the file with the link. It just directs back to the dashboard. Example download link below



Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Michael,

Hope you are well. And sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please share the related URLs? if possible,

Can you please, give your temporary wp-admin login details in a private reply for checking the issue.

Thank you and regards


Michael Adzato
This reply has been marked as private.

Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Michael,

I have checked your issue. It was because the style of the theme conflicted with WPDM CSS on the order purchase page. The switching theme is working properly. Can you please check your theme CSS if there is an option for adjusting? please let me know

Thank you and regards

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