Trying to click on protected media file but getting a “File not found” error

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Patricia Clemente


I’m trying to protect some media files on a multisite network and while the DM plugin works on the main site – when I try to protect media files on a subsite, I get a “File not found” error. I disabled the plugin and I no longer got the error but as I’ve continued to play around I’ve noticed that I keep getting the error even when the DM is disabled.

I’ve also found that whenever I re-install DM and upload a new media file, the website crashes and gets a “This site can’t be reached” error. This is usually fixed by clearing my cache but happens every time I re-install the plugin.

I’m not sure if this is all because I have the free version of DM but I assumed from the pricing page that this functionality was still covered under the free tier.



Nayeem Riddhi

Hi Patricia,

Hope you are well. When you are creating a package, don’t protect the media file from using the media file protection option, use package access control. The Media file protection option is for the cases when users are sharing media files directly without creating packages. I hope you have understood

Thank you and regards


Patricia Clemente

Thanks Nayeem!


Nayeem Riddhi

You are welcome

Thank you and regards

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