Subscribe instead of password

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I’m reviewing several similar plugins and wanted to confirm Download Manager does not allow you to replace the Password for an email address?

I need visitors to submit an email address, which the file will be sent to.



WPDM Pro has an option for submitting email address to receive download link, but I’m a little confused about your requirements, may you please explain little more.



To clarify with this scenario:

A visitor is interested in becoming a cycling instructor.

She visits my Website and on my page, “Become A Cycling Instructor” she sees an article about becoming an instructor. The details read, “Ace the cycling instructor exam by downloading our sample course below!”

The sample course is a PDF she can download but I don’t want to give it away – I want her to see something, a form with perhaps NAME, PHONE, COMPANY/ORGANIZATION, EMAIL ADDRESS. Once completed, this form will send an email to the address provided. She can click the link in the email to start downloading the Cycling Instructor Test Exam PDF! I’d also like to know how many times that files was downloaded. Basically I’m looking for inbound marketing.

Can WPDM Pro do something like my scenario?



yes, wpdm pro can do that, you can use email lock to ask name and email address before download, but if you want additional field you can along with wpdm pro, we have giving live form free with wpdm pro for limited time. Thanks.

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