Status Table

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Chuck M

I would like to suppress the status table from being displayed on the webpage for downloading. Is there a way to do that?



Not clear, Can you send screenshot which table you want to hide?



Chuck M

See attached screen shot regarding the status table I am referring to.


Chuck M

Hi Hasibul. I have not heard from you regarding suppressing display of the previously posted status table. Is there a way to suppress this table?



You can either use different page template from package settings. Like simplified template has less row in the table. Or
You have to modify the page template to hide the table from the package page. Assume you are using the default template.

Changing Template Files in /plugins/download-manager/tpls/ dir:
1. Copy /plugins/download-manager/tpls/ dir to your active theme dir
2. Rename it to download-manager
3. Now remove all files from {active-theme}/download-mamager except the ones you need to modify
4. Update template file(s) in {active-theme}/download-manager dir as per your need

In your case, you need to modify the {active-theme}/download-manager/page-template-default.php file and remove the following code

<table class="table table-striped">
                <tr class="[hide_empty:version]">
                    <th class="text-right">[version]</th>
                <tr class="[hide_empty:download_count]">
                    <th class="text-right">[download_count]</th>
                <tr class="[hide_empty:view_count]">
                    <td>[txt=Total Views]</td>
                    <th class="text-right">[view_count]</th>
                <tr class="[hide_empty:quota]">
                    <th class="text-right">[quota]</th>
                <tr class="[hide_empty:file_size]">
                    <td>[txt=File Size]</td>
                    <th class="text-right">[file_size]</th>
                <tr class="[hide_empty:file_type_icons]">
                    <td>[txt=File Type]</td>
                    <th class="text-right">[file_type_icons]</th>
                <tr class="[hide_empty:create_date]">
                    <td>[txt=Create Date]</td>
                    <th class="text-right">[create_date]</th>
                <tr class="[hide_empty:update_date]">
                    <td>[txt=Last Updated]</td>
                    <th class="text-right">[update_date]</th>


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