Showing Original Upload Date in File List

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Brendan Parker

Hi, I am using your shortcodes to display a list of files on one of my pages. Here’s an image of what I see now.

This is the shortcode that generates this:
[wpdm_all_packages categories="board-meeting-minutes" button_color='#ff0000' jstable=1 items_per_page="10" order_by="publish_date" order="ASC" show_date="publish_date" publish_date="1" category="0" show_category="0"]

I am trying to display the date of the file’s original upload (publish date), NOT the update date. I would also like to sort by the publish date. I have tried every which way to accomplish this, and it does not seem to work. I tried online support, reading over the documentation, and also a couple of things in the code. Nothing is working so far. How can I accomplish this?




Hello, Brendan Parker

I hope you are doing well and sorry for the inconvenience.

Try this shortcode
[wpdm_all_packages login=1 thumb=1 items_per_page="20" categories="your_categories_here" jstable=1 order_by="field_name" order="ASC/DESC" cols="title,file_count,download_count|categories|publish_date|download_link" colheads="Title|Categories|Publish Date|Download::155px"]

Here is the visual representation of this short code.

Hope this will align with your requirements.


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