Shortcodes not appearing on page?

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Hi I have added some shortcode downloads to this page under the Pool Heaters Section, but they are not appearing? See attached screenshot. When I copy and paste an existing shortcode to that area it shows up? Not sure why this is happening? I can try to de-activate and reinstall the plugin but will I lose all my existing downloads if I do this?

Can you please help me on this?


Razia Sultana

Please send a temporary wp-admin login info in private reply to check the issue.

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Hi have you had a chance to look at this issue?



Hi, Sorry for the delay. There was a minor error in your shortcode. You were using two different characters on left and right of package id. Use single quote on both sides or do not use the quote at all. You can also copy the correct shortcode from all packages page. I have placed the correct shortcode there, now it is working as expected.

However, updating/re-installing plugin does not delete your downloads.


Thank you, I copied the shortcode directly from the shortcode column? I will double check next time, thank you for getting back to me.

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