Registration Page – Custom Fields

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I currently have 2 add-ons activated on my site. Download notifications and Advanced custom fields.
I have a custom field called cust_no which stores the customer number.

First question: How do I get that new field to show up on the registration form?

Second question: How do I show the customer number in the email that the administrator gets once a file has been downloaded?




You can add custom fields in the registration form using the Advanced Custom Fields add-on. Just check the “Show in user registration form” option under the custom field.

You can add a custom tag for email template using wpdm_email_template_tags filter,

function wpdm_email_template_tags($tags){
    global $current_user;

    $custom_user_meta = maybe_unserialize( get_user_meta($current_user->ID,'wpdm_cregf', true ) );
    $tags["[#cust_no#]"] = array( 'value' ► $custom_user_meta['cust_no'], 'desc' ► 'Customer No' );

    return $tags;

but as Email Notification add-on doesn’t provide any template yet, there is no way to add the custom info in the email. We have added this on to-do for the next update of the add-on.


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Any idea as to when this fix will be available.



Will this functionality make it into the next release and if so when can we expect to see it?

Again this functionality was one of the main reasons that we purchased this add-on as we were lead to believe that it was already in the plugin.


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