Purchased Download Manager Pro

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Sarah Shane

I have been charged $59.00 via PayPal for Download Manager Pro version on March 27, 2021, but it is showing that my account as expired. Can someone please fix this so that I can update the plugin? I have sent an email to support@wpdownloadmanager.com and received a response back to post to the pro forum. Though I am logged in, I cannot access that area because it’s showing my account as expired. I need to get this fixed asap.


Nayeem Riddhi


Are you not able to access this URL, https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/user-dashboard/?udb_page=purchases, please let me know



Sarah Shane

I am able to access but it is showing that my account is expired even though I have a receipt from PayPal that shows that my subscription was paid another year. I have tried to enter the invoice # that I received on the PayPal receipt and it matches what is listed in my account, so it won’t resolve.


Sarah Shane
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Nayeem Riddhi

Sorry for your all inconveniences, please mail support@wpdownloadmanager.com. I hope you get the very soon


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