Problems with the last Update

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Hi, I have been usig the free version of Download Manager around three years ago. Recently update to the latest version and I had a problem:
The update modifies the way you view the downloads.

Could you help me with this problem.


Hi Christian,

Could you please share me a Temporary Admin login in private message, so that I can check the issue?

This reply has been marked as private.

lloyd thomas

I’m updating a website that uses an old version of your plugin. When I update to the new version of the plugin I loose all the file links.



As you are updating from a very old version, you have to migrate old packages using migration add-on. The migration process discussed here

Anyway, I will do the migration for you but the login didn’t work. Could you please recheck the credentials?


lloyd thomas

Hi Shahriar

Thanks for getting back to me. I’m not a download manager pro user so I’m unable to view the migration process post. What credentials do you need and how should I send them to you?

Many thanks


Hi I think It is posted.
you need to follow the following steps after you update to v2.7 from v2.6:

Go to Admin Menu Downloads Settings Migrate tab
You will see all files you created with v2.6
Now select around 20-30 files at a time
And click “Save Settings” button
Continue the process for all of the files there
So you have migrated all data from v2.6 to v2.7
Sorry about the trouble, but now you need to re-assign categories to packages
Download and install Advanced TinyMce Button Add-on
You can use the add-on to generate short-codes
As you know, now you can get more free add-ons from here


lloyd thomas

Hi there I’m actually trying to upgrade from 2.5.7 to 2.9.97 and there is no option to migrate, from looking at the database the file information was stored in a table called ahm_files but now it looks like its stored in wp_posts so I’m just trying to figure out a way I can convert the ahm_files data into posts, any help would be great thanks!




I just upgraded to the version 2.9.99. Files don’t show up at all or not correctly anymore.
I’m not sure that it is related :

On one page with the following short code , the table doesn’t work
[wpdm_category id="CR Conseil Communautaire" toolbar="1" paging="1" jstable="1" order_by="title" order="asc" items_per_page="20" template="page-template-default" ]

On another one , I just uploaded about 20 files, but none of them show up and the older files disappeared, the page is blank .
Here is the shortcode used : [wpdm_category id="deliberations" toolbar="1"  paging="1" order_by="date" order="asc" items_per_page="20"

Thanks in advance for your help, if possible, The documents are legal documents and must appear quickly on this website.



“You are not download manager pro user or your support forum access period is expired!”
That is true, I didn’t now, i should be one to get help .

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