Page Templates not working

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Sarah Best

I recently installed the free version of Download Manager on my WordPress site, and everything seems to be working fine except page templates. I have selected “Default Template” as the value for “Page Template” in the “Package Settings” area. However, when I view the page (e.g., my theme’s single.php file is used instead of your page-template-default.php file.

I am using a custom theme for my WordPress site. Do I need to add something to my single.php file to let WordPress know to use your page templates for download posts?


Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Sarah,

Hope you are well. The contents from the download files will show via the the_content() functions through your theme single.php file. If you want to customize the appearance of your single.php file for WPDM files/packages, you can use single-wpdmpro.php file creating from your theme and adjust it as your requirements. please let me know if you have more query

Thank you and regards


Sarah Best

Thank you, that helped me eliminate some other possible causes. I was already using the_content() in my single.php file, but I was not using the WP loop, which was preventing the template from loading.


Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Sarah,

I hope the problem has been resolved. please let us know

Thank you and regards

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