Page Template Reset after update

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Jerry Taylor


I was using the “Simplified Page Template” for my download pages. Since the update I applied yesterday, the page template has been reset on all download pages. As a result, this has broken the ability for users to download files. I’ve been going through and setting the page template to “Default Template” but I have over 120 download pages.

First, why did this break in the update?

Second, is there a way that I can set all pages to use the default template without having to go into each page and change it manually?

Third, is there any chance that this will someday break again with a future update of the plug-in.

Thank you,




Sorry for this inconvenience.

Please provide wp admin access of your website in a private reply and an example url where the problem is happening.

However, We can assure you that this will not happen in future updates as the 3.2 version update made a massive change in codebase.


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