Package_Size tab in data table not working

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In using the Responsive data table, looking at the available columns, I am trying to use package_size. But as you can see in the attached file, it just displays the words “package_size”. I am only using the free version of the plugin, does that matter? Any ideas on how to display file or package size?


If you select a page/link template or in any template file the [file_size] should show the actual file size.

If it’s not working please send login in private.



I guess I am not understanding. Here is what I have in a text/html so there is no option to choose a template unless I did the shortcode incorrectly.

[wpdm_all_packages items_per_page="20" categories="financial, meeting-minutes" jstable=1 order_by="Categories" order="ASC/DESC" cols="title,file_count,download_count|categories|update_date|download_link,file_size" colheads="Title|Categories|Update Date|Download"]

File_Size is not working either.

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Direct download is working. Also, the file size is showing using package_size.


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