Origin does not match any app domain

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I formatted the API as shown in the example.
I struggle with the chooser.
I left it open.
Now I cannot search in mij Dropbox account.
When opening a new downloadpackage in WPDM en choosing file with the Dropbox-button I get an error with te tekst:
“Origin does not match any app domain”
The chooser link = “https://www.dropbox.com/chooser?origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwlp.nu&app_key=cpzjiyhciq5w97x&link_type=preview&trigger=js&multiselect=false&extensions=&folderselect=false&iframe=false&version=2”

What am I doing Wrong?



Problem already solved.

URL chooser was not correct. After changing the URL the Dropbox-WPDM-plugin functioned as expected.


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