Missing Blocks

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Phill Outpost

Hi, on the right side of add new page, you have blocks, Attach File, Category, Update… when i clicked the move up/down of the bottom block it disappeared completely.
How do i get it back?
It was the Feature Image block that disappeared.


Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Phill Outpost,

Hope you are well. And sorry for the inconvenience. if possible, can you please, give your temporary wp-admin login details in a private reply for checking the issue?

Thank you and regards


Phill Outpost

See at bottom below Publish it is missing the Feature Image Block

missing block


Nayeem Riddhi

Please check from the screen options menu whether the Feature Image Block option is checked or not as I image attached,


I hope this may help you

Thank you and regards


Phill Outpost

yes it is ticked


Nayeem Riddhi

please let me know if the problem has been resolved or not from your side. please check and let me know

Thank you and regards

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