Minimum Price custom step when increasing by click

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Is there a possibility where I can set the increasing step to for example 1$, when the minimum price is set?
Right now I have a min price of $15.00, when I change the price up with the arrows it is increasing only a .01, so it takes the user quite long until it is even up at $16.00. Sure, they can also put in the price the choose, but it would be maybe simpler for some with the arrows.
I rather would have an increase of $1.00 with each click.

  • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by ihero1970.


Updated /wpdm-premium-packages/templates/add-to-cart/pay-as-you-want-form.php to set the step 1 Please check here

Please copy this template file and place it in /yourtheme/download-manager/add-to-cart/pay-as-you-want-form.php to keep the change unaffected by plugin update.



Please copy this template file

Which file?

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