items_per_page not working in wpdm_all_packages

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Emil Zatania

I recently found that wpdm_all_packages wasn’t working as expected on my page. There are three issues I have found:

1. items_per_page doesn’t work. It doesn’t matter what number I put it always shows all the files.
2. The search box is gone.
3. I can’t click the name of the file to go to the file’s page. The only option I have is the download button to download the file directly.

This is the code I am using and which was working perfectly before.

[wpdm_all_packages items_per_page="20" categories="styles" jstable=1 cols="title,download_count|publish_date|download_link" colheads="Title|Date|Download" order_by="publish_date" order="DESC"]

I have updated WordPress, WPDM and the Extended Short-codes plugin to their latest versions and still it doesn’t work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Hello ,

Sorry to hear about the issue.
Could you please share the related page/file/package URL with us?
If possible please also share the admin access of your website in a private reply.

It helps us to quickly figure out the issue and resolve it immediately.

Thank you


Emil Zatania
This reply has been marked as private.


Thanks for providing the details.
There could be some javascript conflict issue with your theme or any other plugins.
I would suggest to change your theme and enabling disabling other plugins to find the exact issue as I tried the shortcode with a page and it is working fine. It would be best if you create separate page without using the theme option.



Emil Zatania

Despite not having been able to fix my issues and having messed up my site with the testing (fortunately I had a backup) I appreciate your effort.


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