Issues with Downloading PDF files onto iOS devices

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Judy Mohr

I’m not sure if I’m missing something (like an additional addon) or what, but for some reason, whenever someone using an iOS device (iPad or iPhone) tries to download a PDF file from my site (via the Download manager plugin), the PDF comes down in a weird format, such that the user is unable to read it. However, if they download the exact same PDF via Android, PC or Mac, everything is fine. It’s only when downloading iOS that there is an issue.

Please advise. I’m not exactly sure what to tell users of my website. (BTW, ALL PDF downloads behave in the same odd fashion. PDFs of concern contain multiple pages.)

I’m using the following:
WordPress v4.9.8
WP Download Manager v2.9.83

There are no funky PDF plugins installed on my site.

Please note that I have an identical thread started on the site.

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