Issue with the tree order

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val seban

I am using this plugin WP Download manager and I need to show a category tree with an alpha order ASC (the categories names)
I have enclosed the short code [wpdm_tree category=”exploitation” order_by=”field_name” order=”ASC”] but the order is not good.
I also tried this [wpdm_tree category=”vente” “cat_orderby=name order=”asc”] but the issue is the same.
Could you help me?


Nayeem Riddhi

Can you please try order_by ="title" or orderby="title", it should work then with any of them, please let me know then if it helps you



val seban

I have tried but it does not work like this:
[wpdm_tree category=”vente” orderby=”title” order=”asc”]
or [wpdm_tree category=”vente” order_by=”title” order=”asc”]

I have tried to order by name, category name, slug but I cannot have the alpha order from A to Z.
Clearly the order is from Z to A….
Something is going wrong…


Nayeem Riddhi

Please use for categories cat_orderby(‘name’, ‘slug’, ‘term_group’, ‘term_id’, ‘id’, ‘description’, ‘parent’) and cat_order ( asc, desc), then let me know if it works for you


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