Is there a way to display description in wpdm-all-packages

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First of all thanks a ton for the awesome plugin….

Please let me know how to add description column in the table that generates using this shortcode : [wpdm-all-packages items_per_page="20" categories="data-sets" jstable=1 order_by="field_name" order="ASC/DESC"]




You need to customize the code directly to get this. You can follow the steps to customize:

You need to copy the tpls dir from download manager plugin dir to active theme dir.
Them rename it copiedtpls dir ( which is in your theme dir ) to download-manager
Now edit wpdm-all-downloads.php in download-manager dir ( which is in your active theme dir )


Ok i did it, copy the file wpdm-all-downloads.php,…
But now?
I’m trying, but i didn’t find how to do it in the code. Can you help with this?


Yes, But now?
Please, the code is not clear, can yo do it, i can saw that many people want this change… Thank you in advance


Shafiq Khan

I’d also like to know how to include the description of the package with the wpdm-all-packages shortcode.

Any ideas?

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