How to upgrade from Version 2.5.95

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I am running a fairly old instance of the plugin…Version 2.5.95. That version works great. I have shortcodes such as this on my site :

“[wpdm_category id=2015 order_field=id order=desc]”

The problem is, for the last year or so, whenever I try to update the plugin all my categories disappear. Both in the admin part of my site (as in there no categories to manage or see downloads under) and then on my website where I have the shortcodes similar to the above, nothing is listed. So every time I give up and just restore Version 2.5.95.

Could someone be good enough to tell me what version the above shortcodes stopped working in, so I can at least update to the version before that? And better still, can anyone tell me what I need to do, or if it is even possible, to jump from Version 2.5.95 to the latest version without having to manually update every shortcode for every download page of my site? I’d really like to use the latest version if I can.

Note I have read

Note that I do now have Extended Short-code Add-on and Advanced TinyMCE button installed.



When you update from 2.5.95 your old posts will be gone too, not only categories because of moving to custom post type.

Maybe latest version before moving to the custom post type was 2.6.96 You can download it here

Please check this post

Here is the migration add-on

But you still have to change the shortcodes ( sigh… ) as it is not possible to keep the post ids same as old ids

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