How to properly duplicate “page-template-default” file and place to child theme

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Greetings of peace WPDM team! First of all, I would like to congratulate you for having this unremarkable plugin. You are the best and I hope for your continuous success. Everything is perfect. However, I have a problem, I hope you can help me. I tried to have a duplicate copy of “page-template-default” and put it in my child theme but it did not work. I edited the said file and I dont want it to get updated, that is why I put it in my child theme. I followed your instruction in- ( it did not work for me) I wish you could help me with this one. I soon as I earn little money, I will upgrade to pro.
Thank you in advance WPDM Team! Cheers!



Did you try putting your template in the parent theme? Let me know if that works. It should work if the child theme is the active theme directory. Do you check the folder properly {active-theme}/download-mamager .

Please send login details in private reply to check otherwise.


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