How to handle multiple files with same names?

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We have created a few categories and are bulk importing from different directories. Let’s assume the categories are as follows

cat1 – dirA
cat2 – dirA/dirB
cat3 – dirA/dirC

cat4 – dir X
cat5 – dir X/dir Y

Now the files in cat 1, 2 and 3 are listing fine, but files in cat 4 and 5 are same as the ones in cat 1 and cat 2 even though their folder locations are different. How do we resolve this? Thanks.



Download manager create new prefix before the name of file if the file name already exists.



Hello Tauhid,

It isn’t doing that for us, even though the files are present in different directories, same files are being picked up by WPDM. Can you please help us further with how to bulk upload them using the CSV options? Thanks.



This is not possible in free version.

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