How to disable Asset Manager

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Jon Whitby

I am testing the plugin. It looks great. However, the asset manager provides full access to the webserver files including being able to move and delete. I do not want my client to have this ability as it is too much of a risk. How do I disable the Asset Manager completely (not just hide the menu item)?

Thank you for any help on this.



Heinz Robert

Interested in that, too!



No option yet to disable the asset manager. But you can create an empty dir and assign it as “Server File Browser Base Dir:” if you want to deactivate file browsing. User will see an empty window if you do this.


Nate Stockard

I cannot find where I originally saw this, but placing the following code within wp-config deactivates Asset Manager in the backend

define(‘WPDM_ASSET_MANAGER’, false);

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