How to apply restriction setting to all existing files?

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Minghui Yu

I have a category that allows subscribers to view protected files. But that category’s setting doesn’t work. I have to manually allow subscriber for each file.

Any way to apply the settings to all files?



Minghui Yu

Oh, I forgot to say:

These files were previously uploaded in Media Library, not added via wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=wpdmpro




Hello @minghuiyu,
Hope you are well and doing great.
Will you please share the related page/file/package URL with us?
If possible, please, provide us with your temporary wp-admin login details in a private reply for checking the issue.
However, it will be very cooperative if you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this?
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue and squash it immediately.
With Regards

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