Free Add-ons Install?

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Plamen Yordanov

Hey there. I’m new to this absolutely incredible plugin, it can do so many things and help a lot of people with their file and document storage/download option. The question I want to ask might have been discussed before, for which I appologise, if I’m asking it again.

How are the free-add ons installed? I just downloaded a few, but I dont know where should I copy/paste them so I can start using them. Can someone help? Thank you!


Hi Ivan,
After downloading the free-add on, you can install them as you install normal plugins.
Assume that, you have downloaded the zip file of the add-on.
So from the WordPress Dashboard, First go to -> Plugins -> Add new.
You will see upload plugin in the top. Click on “Upload plugin”, Then choose the file from where you downloaded it and click on “install now”.
After installing click on “Activate”.
Now the new options will appear in the WDM Downloads -> settings menu.


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