Files are not hidden

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John Phipps

I have implemented the plugin and have a number of files in the system. However, the files are available to all visitors instead of being behind a sign-in/register regime. They are wide open to the public.

Please advise how I lock these down…



John Phipps

OK, found the permissions detail and problem fixed. A recommendation – put this in the screen options so that Quick Edit can be used to change this. Quite cumbersome to go in and make mass changes if you have a large number of files. Surely a better method can be programmed.




Thanks for your suggestion, it is noted ๐Ÿ™‚



Could you please reveal the trick here?


John Phipps

In the Download item, there is a permissions panel (probably at bottom) where you specify who can see the file. I moved it up in my admin screen so it is more visible. Actually makes sense and gives you the ability to make a file public. However, if you’ve uploaded 200 files and want to make a mass edit change, it is a pain in the butt. Thus, my suggestion that it be included in the Quick Edit screen.

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