I have the free version (3.2.66) of Download Manager running on Patheon server which in the past hasn’t has any issues. Recently it has been noticed that the files aren’t saving when creating new downloads through the green button upload issue.
When I run the site on my local hosting, it doesn’t replicate this issue.
On the Pantheon server, I can see:
– the file get uploaded successfully after selecting it from the local drive.
– the file name get added above the green box with the garbage bin link next to it.
– saving the new record, sends the file name successfully
– the new file is on the server in the uploads/download-manager-files directory correctly
– the new post is in the posts table
– the metadata table has all the new metadata fields added but I have noticed that the __wpdm_files
field doesn’t get the correct object saved and has the filename empty.
This file name being empty is obviously the problem but I’m at a loss was to why this is happening on the Patheon hosting all of a sudden.
Anyone have any ideas?