file type icon cannot be shown

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Ivy Kou

Hello there,

I am currently using the WordPress Download Manager free plugin to upload my files. However, I have some PDF files that the icon cannot be shown. The console of the website shows that Failed to load resource: the server wp-content/plugins/download-manager/assets/file-type-icons/PDF.png responded with a status of 404 (Not Found). Just wondered if you know what caused the problems, as most of the files can display the icon type, only some occasional ones cannot be shown. Please advice.

Here is the path to the site:

And please see attached files for reference.

Many thanks




Seems like the pdf extensions files are showing the icon correctly. As the error can be from the server.

Can you show some missing icon, where the icon should be load but not loaded?



Ivy Kou

Hello there,

No worries about this now. I have found a way to work around this!

Thank you very much for your help!



Ok, We will look into the assets code.


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