File downloading problems -multiple generated folders or errors when downloading

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My client is in Taiwan and is experiencing some strange problems with download manager. I’m not sure if it’s a problem because of their internet restrictions or if it is a plugin issue. I’m in the US and none of my coworkers have been able to replicate her issue. Perhaps you can help? Below are the issues she is having.

Email from my client:

– .exe format : Due to security concern, my PC block auto execution but still can unzip the file. The problem would generate another folder when unzip it. (See attached EXE format.jpg)
– .rar format: When I unzip the .rar file, there’s an alert showing one of pic damaged but actually it’s fine. Also when I unzip the file it would generate another folder.
– .zip format: I try four files,
1. One is from Alyssa’s , it’s a text file. No problem to unzip it but will generate another folder with different file name. (
2. Two is from Apple’s, also a text file, OK to unzip and won’t generate another folder but the file name is changed.
3. The last .zip file pack three pic. (same as above) but the file through download process, it shows error and can’t unzip.
I also try original .zip file, capture from PC and unzip it, the result is normal.



For windows, it will create a new folder when unzipping the zip file. Antivirus can block automatic execution though.

It will be easy to understand the error if you can send the screenshot. What kind of error does it show in download process?


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