Fatal errors in all my WP sites with WPDM Extended Short Codes Add-on

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Recently I’m receiving fatal error advices in all my WP sites using WPDM + WPDM Extended Short Codes when trying to access Plugins or Updates sections. The advice identifies WPDM Extended Short Codes as the cause of the error.

Here is the error I receive:

An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 439 of the file ***********/wp-content/plugins/wpdm-extended-shortcodes/wpdm-extended-shortcodes.php. Mensaje de error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getLatestVersions() on null in ***********/wp-content/plugins/wpdm-extended-shortcodes/wpdm-extended-shortcodes.php:439

Hope it can be soon solved with an update.


I’ve subscribed to a previous thread about the same problem. Sorry for posting before searching.


Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Esteban,

Hope you are well. Yes, please continue there with your previous thread

Thank you and regards

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