Fatal error: Call to undefined function wpdm_user_has_access()

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I’ve updated Download Manager and the Extended Short Codes plugins to the latest. Now, when I use the tree view and click on one of the categories, I get an error message instead of the files. The error is: Fatal error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function wpdm_user_has_access() in […]public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpdm-extended-shortcodes/wpdm-extended-shortcodes.php on line 455

Any ideas why this is happening?

Thank you,



Sorry for the issue, we forgot to add the function with the last update of wpdm, however it will be fixed in next update ( coming tomorrow ).



Have the same issue with the latest version



Thank you for the update. I temporarily removed the function as all WordPress users are able to access the documents I had listed as long as they were logged in. If I run into any issues after the update, I’ll let you know.

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