Error when showing downloads – HELP

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vickie bertram

Hi I am getting this error: WordPress database error: [Table ‘cl53-a-wordp-1rq.simonswebwp_ahm_user_download_counts’ doesn’t exist]
select download_count from simonswebwp_ahm_user_download_counts WHERE user = ‘3’ and package_id = ‘737’

How do i solve it?


Sidratul Sohrat

Please deactivate and reactivate the plugin, that should update the database and fix the issue.



vickie bertram

This has solved it. I am getting another error, on the registration page – the icon keeps spinning and no page appears??


Sidratul Sohrat

This kind of problem is usually caused by either a conflict with your theme or with another plugin. The best way to determine if the issue is being caused by temporarily disable other plugins for checking, you may also switch the theme to another for checking.


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