Edit the Submit Label

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Jeff Wiatt

I would love to be able to edit the Submit text on the email lock forms. Should be able to specify it for each package. I know you can edit the Download buttons on the package page in the Package but I see no where to change the Submit text. Nobody likes to “submit”. It’s a psychology marketing no no.



Hello, Jeff

I hope you are doing well and thanks for reaching out.

You can change the submit text using this filter in your theme’s functions.php file.

add_filter('wpdm_email_lock_form_button_label', 'change_email_lock_submit_button_label', 10, 2);

function change_email_lock_submit_button_label($form_button_label, $package) {
        $form_button_label = 'send';
	return $form_button_label;
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