Downloads page – Sort order not working

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On our downloads page I want to show the items from newest to oldest but I am not able to do so. I did put the code in as suggested on other forums here (orderby=”date” order=”desc”) and I did add a new page to the plugin root directory as suggested on another forum. However, the downloads still do not show in the proper order.

This is the last piece that we need to fix before going live with our new site.

Your help is much appreciated.



Nayeem Riddhi

if download products are under one category, you can order them by the below code,

[wpdm_category id="Category Slug(s)" operator="IN" toolbar="1" order_by="create_date" order="desc" item_per_page="10"]

hope it will help you.

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Nayeem Riddhi.


@partnerrelations, please use order_by, not orderby. order_by="date" order="desc" should work fine.


That works but I am trying to use a jstable (sorry for not mentioning that earlier). Here is the exact code that I am trying to get working.

[wpdm_all_packages jstable="1" items_per_page="10"  categories="iMaint"  order_by="create_date" order="desc"]



I was able to figure it out by using the code below:

[wpdm_all_packages items_per_page="10" categories="iMaint." jstable=1 order_by="date" order="DESC" cols="title|update_date|download_link" colheads="Title|Update Date|Download"]

Thanks for everything.

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