Download Manager Not Working

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Need your help. My plugin is no longer working. I have WP download manager 2.28. in a Just host .com WP 3.32 webite. I have tried everything. Deactiving, reinstalling, updates, even restoring to earlier date. Application (On Apply Now Page) download always comes out blank. I noticed that the download date is incorrect (a day ahead of the current day) on the plugin. Could this be the problem??? I loved the plugin when it was working and can’t seem to find another one like it. Can you suggest another like it if this can’t be fixed? Thank you



actually if it suddenly stop working, then it could be a issue with your server or conflict with other plugin you recently installed, please deactivate all recently installed plugins and try to use wpdm, again activate those one after another to detect which only making wpdm non-functional.

if that doesn’t resolve your issue, please send a temporary wp-admin login info to mentioning this forum post url.

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