Database modification

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I wonder if I can modify the database information into the plugin WP Download Manager Free.

In fact, we use SOLR to indexing WORDPRESS documents and when we upload a file with WPDM, the file is not indexing correctly. I think it’s because of the deposit file path and database informations are not the same as a file upload with default wordpress library (in this case, files are correctly indexed).
So I want to know if I can modify the deposit path of WPDM Files and the informations stored in the database table “WP-POST’. So when I will upload a file with WPDM, He will also appear into the default WORDPRESS library and SOLR indexing will be correct…

I loose a precious  time to find into the plugin’s code every occurence of the DATABASE, so if you can drive me with it, it will be very usefull for me.

Thank you and sorry for my bad english 🙂



Now, wpdm stores file data in post meta table, but there is no way to change it 🙁 .

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