Couldn't update plugins – had to update manually

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Jared Romey

I manage a website that uses this plugin and received messages that multiple plugins required updates, including the main plugin. I could not automatically update, I had to update manually via the cpanel. There were several errors occurring through out the site where the plugin was being used – once I updated the main plugin manually via the cpanel – everything worked fine again.

I need to provide an explanation as to why this happened… I followed my normal trouble shooting steps and arrived at the decision to update it manually – I find the help on this plugin to be a bit cumbersome – and figured if that still didn’t work then I would reach out again and look for a solution.

Can you provide me with an explanation on why this may have happened and is it something that will happen in the future?

Thank you!

Erica Rueschhoff
Web Support / Speaking Latino / Diane & Jared Romey



Is this related to pro version of the plugin or free? If the problem is related to pro version then please post it in pro forum. I will be happy to assist further.


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