Conflict with Theme?

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I am evaluating the free version of Download Manager and really like it. However, I think I’m experiencing a conflict with my site’s active theme.

The website I’m developing is available online at and the theme it’s using is called “Houzez” ( If you browse my home page and click “Sign In / Register” in the upper right corner the login screen appears for just a split second and then disappears. However, if I deactivate the Download Manager plugin then the login screen appears and stays hovered on the home page just fine. I did contact the theme vendor about the issue and they believe it’s a problem with the Download Manager plugin as well.

I then tried going into the Download Manager plugin settings and deactivating the Bootstrap JS and CSS. However, I can’t change ANYTHING on the settings panel; when I click either of the “Save Settings” buttons it just spins and spins and never actually saves anything. So, it really seems like there’s some sort of conflict between the Download Manager and the theme.

Can you folks take a quick look? I can provide administrator credentials if you’d like to review the settings panel issue. Thanks!



Please send temporary wp-admin login info in private reply to check the issue.

Frontend issue is related to Bootstrap. Disabling WPDM Bootstrap will fix this.

I have to check your installation for the settings not saving issue. Maybe a js error in the page preventing the ajax submit.

This reply has been marked as private.


You have to disabled bootstrap js from wpdm settings. But now, save settings is not working as your server setting blocking the issue, add the following to my site’s .htaccess file to get it to work:

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterRemove 001868

Or ask hosting support to do that.

Then, go to Admin Menu Downloads Settings  and disable bootstrap js:


Wow, well done! I followed your instructions and now the login mechanism works perfectly! My client will be SO pleased! I’ll be sure to let him know how helpful you folks were as we move our site to production. Feel free to close this ticket and thanks again!




Glad to know everything is working now. Let us know anytime if you face any other issue.

If you can manage few minutes please write us a short review here


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