Conflict with S3 Media Maestro Plugin

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we are using version 4.6.0 of the Download Manager.
There is a conflict with the S3 Media Maestro plugin from

The support of flyplugins wrote following:
“This issue is a plugin conflict with “WPDM – Amazon s3”. In our plugin version 3.0.4 we modified our admin pages to only load the “AWS SDK” when needed. It appears that the WPDM plugin is loading the library on every admin page causing the conflict. I would recommend reaching out to WPDM to see if there is anything they can do to prevent the AWS SKD from being loaded on the S3 Media Maestro admin pages as well as the post editor. ”

Do you have a solution for this conflict.

Thank you very much.

Best regards


Hi there,

We will look into it asap. can you share conflicts errors log files and any other things?

Thank you.



Hi Hasibul,

at the s3 media plugin i get the following problem:

I can not get a connection to the buckets of s3.
There is no way to select a bucket.

In chrome browser console i have found this error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

When i deactivate the
WPDM – Amazon s3 plugin

than i have no problems.

The support of flyplugins wrote following:
“This issue is a plugin conflict with “WPDM – Amazon s3”. In our plugin version 3.0.4 we modified our admin pages to only load the “AWS SDK” when needed. It appears that the WPDM plugin is loading the library on every admin page causing the conflict. I would recommend reaching out to WPDM to see if there is anything they can do to prevent the AWS SKD from being loaded on the S3 Media Maestro admin pages as well as the post editor. ”


Hi there,

Can you send login in private reply to check it on your site?



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This reply has been marked as private.

Hi there,

We are working on the update. Hope, it will be fixed in next release.


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