I have WPDM Pro and some additional WPDM Plugins activated.
One of these is “WPDM – Custom Access Level”. If i forgot disabling it BEFORE i disable the main plugin, the website “crashes”. Try this:
1. Enable WPDM Pro
2. Enable WPDM – Custom Access Level
3. Create almost an additional user role with WPDM – Custom Access Level. In my case, the role is “Customers”
4. Disable main WPDM Pro without disabling first WPDM – Custom Access Level
5. Website now is “empty”. Only a white page is displayed and WP stops working
The only thing now i can do is:
1. FTP to my website’s /wp-content/plugins directory
2. Manually rename the two plugins folder: “wpdm-custom-access-level” and “download manager” (i simply add a bachslash ant the end of the name)
3. Now WP in working again and is telling me that two plugin was not found so they was disabled
4. Re-rename the two foders with their names
5. Re-enable the two plugins
So, the idea is: why you don’t include a check for the additional plugins that may conflict with the WP normal functionality?
Probably you may check if other WPDM Pro plugins are activated, display a warning and deactivate them all ๐