@theronb49, if you attach a file as URL or with a full server path, the full URL will be attached and saved in the database, in such case, you may have to update path manually using some custom code after you move the site. Run the following code for once:
global $wpdb;
$files = $wpdb->get_results( "select * from {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta where meta_name = '__wpdm_files'" );
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
$value = maybe_unserialize( $file->meta_value );
foreach ( $value as $fileid ► $v ) {
$value[ $fileid ] = str_replace( __OLDPATH__, __NEWPATH__, $v );
update_post_meta( $file->post_id, '__wpdm_files', $value );
You must replace __OLDPATH__
with your old server path and __NEWPATH__
with your new server path.
Always keep a backup of your database befoer doing that